četrtek, 15. julij 2010

Sir Charles Mackerras

Avstralski mediji danes objavljajo novico o smrti dirigenta sira Charlesa Mackerrasa. Mackerras kot dirigent nikoli ni bil nenehni inovator, vedno je bil v iskanju popolno uravnotežene interpretacije in kar najtemeljitejšega razumevanja glasbe, ki jo je dirigiral. Bil je velik poznavalec operne in simfonične glasbe slovanskih narodov, posebej Janáčkovih oper in Dvořakovih simfoničnih pesnitev, poleg tega pa so izstopajoče njegove izvedbe Mozartovih oper in simfonij. Ravno za najnovejše posnetke (konec osemdesetih je vse simfonije že posnel za Telarc) poznih Mozartovih simfonij je lani dobil nagrado BBCjeve glasbene revije za ploščo leta.
Mackerras gets so much light and shade in these works, even grandeur. The Prague in particular is wonderfully ample and majestic. Yet everything is alert and alive – nothing appears to be an accompaniment figure, but everything seems to be a part of a grand design.
Michael Tanner, 5/2009
I agree the Jupiter symphony is a towering masterwork, but I don’t believe Mozart wrote it as his final statement on the form. By the age of 35, Mozart was in total command of his powers of composition, he could have written anything. For me No. 38, the Prague, has Mozart’s greatest symphonic movement, the first. It’s so incredibly cleverly wrought, every time the three themes appear they are slightly different.
sir Charles Mackerras, 5/2009

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